

Larry C Johnson     March 14, 2024
Netanyahu and Ben Gvir

Senator Chuckie Schumer set the Washington political scene on fire with his speech today when he called on Israel to hold elections and hopefully dump Benjamin Netanyahu. Republicans immediately began to verbally pummel Schumer. It may be great political theater but, to quote Shakespeare:

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

This is Schumer’s weird attempt to try to repair the growing rift between the Arab/Muslim/American voters, who are angry over Biden’s full blown support for Israel’s military operations in Gaza, and the Democrat Party. Pinning the blame on Netanyahu and the extremist loons in his candidate is traditional democratic fodder, but Schumer fails to acknowledge that getting rid of Netanyahu is not going to alter Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians.

Here is how the Guardian reported Schumer’s speech:

Chuck Schumer, the US Senate leader and a top ally of Joe Biden, on Thursday broke with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his handling of the invasion of Gaza and called for Israel to hold new elections, in comments that upset its ruling party and allies on Capitol Hill.

The shift by Schumer, the Democratic Senate majority leader and the highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States, came as he continued to press lawmakers to pass a military assistance package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, the countries Biden has named as America’s top national security priorities.

In remarks from the Senate floor, Schumer said he had a longstanding relationship with Netanyahu but believed he “has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel”.

Noting the prime minister’s inclusion of farright officials in his government, Schumer said Netanyahu “has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah”.

I suggest you watch the actual video to appreciate that Schumer was being quite measured in his remarks.


Schumer did not do this without consulting with the pooh bahs at the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee aka AIPAC. Schumer also knows that his verbal jabs at Bibi Netanyahu play well with the wealthy members of the American Jewish community. They are strong liberals and find Netanyahu repugnant. He also vetted the speech with his Democrat caucus in the Senate. Just check out these reactions:

Sen. Brian Schatz, a Jewish Democrat critical of Netanyahu’s coalition, praised the speech as “a gutsy, historic speech from Leader Schumer. I know he didn’t arrive at this conclusion casually or painlessly.”

The Jewish Democratic Council of America similarly commended the speech, saying Schumer’s “vision for Israelis and Palestinians is one focused on peace, security and progress. These values are shared by the majority of Jewish Americans as we consider an end to this conflict, which has taken far too many innocent lives.”

Sen. Patty Murray, a key Democrat who represents the party’s center, backed Schumer’s comments. “Netanyahu and his far-right coalition have made clear they oppose a two-state solution, which is the path to lasting peace. Israelis should have the opportunity to choose new leadership through an election,” she said.

Schumer’s endorsement of the two-state solution, which remains the policy advocated by the Biden Administration, will not persuade the Israelis to alter course. Even if Netanyahu is booted and replaced by the “liberal” former General, Benny Gantz, Israel is not willing to support a truly independent Palestinian state. Schumer’s speech today is mere political posturing rather than a call for a fundamental shift in the U.S. policy to supply weapons and money that will keep the Israeli military in the “fight.”

Schumer’s speech also is unlikely to move the needle in Israel. If anything, it probably shores up Netanyahu’s shaky hold on power. When a foreigner, even a Jewish one, attacks Israel’s political leadership it is likely to undermine Netanyahu’s political opponents. One thing is certain — the war will drag on and Palestinians, especially children, will continue to die. And most of the world continues to sit on its hands doing nothing to stop the slaughter.

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